
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe splendid economic growth in India along with its massive population has led to enormous demand for sources of power and energy. But high fuel costs, as well as rising concerns of population have not made this easy. A good alternative is generating electricity through wind turbines & solar power plants . This is where we at KKV Agro Powers can help you.

KKV Agro Powers is an Indian renewable power generation company located in Coimbatore.

We have an aggregate installed capacity of 10.6 MW that includes installations of 7.6 MW Wind Energy and a plant of 3 MW Solar energy. The company has power plants located at different places in the state of Tamil Nadu and in Anantpur, Andhra Pradesh. Thus, several industries and corporate clients across the country benefit from our clean-energy generation plants.

KKV Agro Powers Limited generates Renewable Energy to meet the functioning needs of Corporate clients. Buying renewable energy from us offers the following advantages:

  • Discounted Power Tariff
  • Consume Quality Green Power
  • Fulfill CSR Goals
  • Meet Govt. Mandated RPO Targets

Our total portfolio of operating projects included 10.6 MW of aggregate installed capacity, which comprised of 7.6 MW of wind energy projects and 3.0 MW of solar project.


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